“Baseload” generators have had their day, and won’t be needed in a modern grid

  South Australia’s record breaking streak for wind and solar generation over the past few months has shone the light over how a modern grid can run with little or no thermal or synchronous generation.   More importantly, it has also confirmed how the term “baseload” has become a redundant concept in a modern grid […]

Africa’s off-grid solar market blocked by investment challenges – EIB

  With factors such as inadequate funding hindering the wide-scale deployment of off-grid solar projects in Africa, a new report published by the European Investment Bank (EIB) highlights how these types of market challenges can be addressed.     The report, published by the EIB in partnership with International Solar Alliance, was compiled by Dalberg […]

South Africa’s Cities to Switch to Solar as Power Monopoly Ends

South Africa’s biggest cities are preparing to source their own power after the energy ministry this month approved letting them wean themselves off the state utility that’s subjected cities to outages for the past 13 years.   Johannesburg and Cape Town, which have a combined population of about 10 million people, plan to diversify away from the […]

Fossil fuels demonstrating their unreliability

As oil markets fluctuate wildly, how can the world economy still be running on a commodity that not only wreaks havoc on the planet when extracted and burned, but is unpredictable and volatile?   On 20 April, the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil futures contract for May 2020 delivery defied logic and settled for the first […]

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